Relationship Building in Career Transitions

Greg Yates
2 min readMay 21, 2023

Imagine walking into a room with a sea of faces, none familiar. Scary? Maybe. Exciting? Possibly.

That, my friends, is the beautiful world of relationship building. As a lawyer exploring new pastures, you’re not just switching careers; you’re diving into an ocean of possibilities, and it all starts with a firm handshake (or a Zoom wave).

So here’s my spicy three-point plan to help you strengthen your professional relationship building and discover new opportunities outside of traditional law practice.

First stop, events and workshops.

You’re probably thinking, ‘But I’ve been to dozens of law conferences!’ Great, but it’s time to broaden your horizons.

Attend industry-specific events, conferences, and workshops related to law and your area of interest for the alternate career path. Whether it’s tech, nonprofit, or finance, there’s a whole world out there waiting to be explored.

Remember, you’re not just a lawyer but a potential game-changer in any field you choose!

Second, let’s talk about social media.

No, not just for cat videos and vacation pics, but as a powerful networking tool.

LinkedIn is your new best friend. Join relevant groups, engage in discussions, share content, and show ’em what you’ve got. And remember, be genuine, not spammy.

The goal is to increase your visibility and showcase your expertise, not to become the most disliked person in the group.

Finally, and most importantly, relationship building isn’t a one-night stand; it’s a long-term relationship.

Keep in touch, offer help when you can, and show genuine interest in your connections’ lives and careers. Because relationship building isn’t just about taking, it’s about giving too.

So go ahead, put yourself out there. Yeah, it can be intimidating, but remember, every successful person was once just another face in the crowd.

And you, my friend, if you follow this plan, you are destined for success, no matter where your journey takes you!



Greg Yates

I show professionals how to find the perfect job, career & life, including side hustles & multiple income streams. More info